Honolulu Complete Streets: Ke’eaumoku
The City and County of Honolulu is hosting a project to transform Keeaumoku Street into a “Complete Street,” with changes that will improve road safety for people of all ages and abilities.
The project team is working closely with community members and stakeholders to identify the best design solutions. Some of the many improvements being considered are improved pedestrian crossings, protected bicycle lanes, and traffic calming.
This Complete Streets Keeaumoku project will allow our residents at The Park to feel comfortable and safe on Keeaumoku Street regardless of whether they are walking, using a wheelchair, on a bike, riding transit, or using a car. Learn more about the project: Keeaumoku Complete Streets (honolulu.gov)
To discover more about The Park, contact our Sales Consultants at 808-762-0178 or visit our Showroom at 1440 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1020 daily between 10 am – 5:30 pm. Check out The Park on Ke’eaumoku online at www.theparkonkeeaumoku.com.